Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tips To Stop Smoking

1. Think Positive You might have given up before, but tell yourself that you’re really going to do it this time.

2. Make a plan to quit smoking
Make a promise, set a date and stick to it. Don’t be put off by a wedding, party or other time when you’d normally smoke.

3. Change your diet
Is your after-dinner cigarette your favourite? A new American study has revealed that some foods, including meat, make cigarettes more satisfying. Others, including cheese, fruit and vegetables, make cigarettes taste terrible. So swap your usual steak or burger for a veggie pizza instead.  

4. Change your drink
The same study looked at drinks. Fizzy drinks, alcohol, cola, tea and coffee all make cigarettes taste better. So when you’re out, drink more water and juice. Some people find that simply changing their drink (for example, switching from wine to a vodka and tomato juice), affects their need to reach for a cigarette. 

5.Identify when you crave cigarettes
A craving can last five minutes. Before you give up, make a list of five-minute strategies. For example, you could leave the party for a minute, dance or go to the bar. And think about this: the combination of smoking and drinking heavily raises your risk of mouth cancer by 38 times.

6.Get some quitting support
If friends or family members want to give up too, suggest to them that you give up together. Also, there is your local NHS stop-smoking services and the NHS Smoking Helpline, available on 0800 022 4332 (7am to 11pm daily).

7.Get moving
A review of scientific studies has proved that exercise (even a five-minute walk or stretch) cuts cravings and may help your brain to produce anti-craving chemicals.

8.Make non-smoking friends
When you’re at a party, stick with the non-smokers. "When you look at the smokers, don’t envy them," says Louise, 52, an ex-smoker. "Think of what they’re doing as a bit strange – lighting a small white tube and breathing in smoke."

9.Keep your hands and mouth busy
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can make you twice as likely to succeed. As well as patches, there are tiny tablets, lozenges, gum and a nasal spray. If you like holding a cigarette, use an inhalator. Try putting your drink in the hand that usually holds a cigarette, or drink from a straw to keep your mouth busy.

10. Make a list of reasons to quit
Keep reminding yourself why you gave up. Make a list of the reasons and read it when you need support. Ex-smoker Chris, 28, says, "I used to take a picture of my baby daughter with me when I went out. If I was tempted, I’d look at that."

Tips to Get Higher

Tipping is more than acknowledging good service. It’s about making a living. Service employees in the United States rely on tips to supplement their salaries. Customers tip the minimum because they feel obligated by social norms, but customers will tip more if they like the people who serve them. The key to receiving higher tips is to create an environment that predisposes customers to be more generous.

Tip 1: Wear Something in Your Hair (Women)
Female servers who wear ornamentation in their hair such as flowers, real or fake, barrettes, or other similar objects receive higher tips from both male and female customers. One explanation for this finding is that more attractive waitresses receive higher tips than less attractive waitresses. Customers may perceive waitresses who wear ornaments in their hair as more attractive and thus, predispose customers to give higher tips. Interestingly, attractiveness had no effect on tip amounts for male servers from either male or female customers.

Tip 2: Lightly Touch Customers (Women)
Female servers who touch customers lightly on the shoulder, hand, or arm receive higher tips than customers who are not touched. Customers who were touched by female servers drank more alcohol than customers who were not touched thus, giving customers more opportunities to tip the server. Touch when interpreted properly produces a feeling of friendliness and, therefore, predisposes customers to tip more generously. Touching can have a negative effect if it is perceived as flirtatious or dominating and could reduce the amount of tips rather than increase them. Female servers should be careful when touching male customers who are in the company of romantically involved females because any touching could produce jealousy. Since the effect of touch is the same for female customers as it is for male customers, touching the female customers will have the same effect.

 Tip 3: Introduce Yourself by Name (Men and Women)
When servers introduce themselves by name, they receive higher tips. Personal introductions make the servers look friendlier. Customers tip servers who appear friendly and likeable. Servers who introduced themselves by name received an average tip of $2.00 more than servers who did not introduce themselves by name. Mundanely providing customers your name is not sufficient. Your introduction should be accompanied by a wide smile. Servers who smile receive larger tips. A personal introduction accompanied by a smile make servers appear friendlier and more personable and thus, predispose customers to leave higher tips.

Tip 4: Create Reciprocity (Men and Women)
When people receive something from somebody, they are predisposed to reciprocate in like manner. Customers who receive something, even small items, will typically reciprocate by leaving a larger tip. Servers can induce reciprocity through several techniques. Servers who write “Thank you” on the back of the check receive higher tips. Customers perceive this small gesture as both friendly and as having rendered a service and, in an effort to reciprocate, tend to leave bigger tips. Reciprocity can be induced in a more subtle fashion. Just prior to the time when the customers’ orders are complete, the waitress tells one of the customers that the manner in which the food was prepared was not up to the server’s standards and he or she sent the meal back to the chef to have it done correctly. The server then apologizes for the delay and after a few minutes, serves the food as it was originally prepared. The customers perceive the server as having done them a favor, although no favor was actually performed, thus predisposing the customers to reciprocate by means of a higher gratuity. Caution should be used when using this technique. Servers should select imperfections that do not question the taste or quality of the food nor will it discredit the restaurant. Reciprocity can also be induced by bringing mints along with the check.

Tip 5: Repeat the Customer’s Order (Men and Women)
People like people who are like them. When servers repeat orders, customers subconsciously feel that the server is more like them than not. People who are in good rapport mirror each other’s gestures and speech. By repeating the customers’ orders, they experience sameness with their servers, like them more, and tend to leave bigger tips.

Tip 6: Provide Good Service (Men and Women)
At the heart of a good tip is good service. Greet customers with a warm, friendly smile, introduce yourself by name, repeat the customers’ order, refill drink glasses without being asked, and periodically check in on the customers to see if they need anything. Each customer is different and servers should learn to speed read them. Some customers want to be pampered, some customers require minimal service, and some customers just want to be left alone to enjoy their meal. The quicker servers learn to read their customers, the higher their tips will be.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tips To Diet

It’s ways the right diet quickly and safely

1. Fast
Fasting is the most efective way to do the diet in all parts of our body, from the abdomen, arms and thighs. But keep in mind when fasting should we keep doing the usual activities, that fat accumulated in the body can perform the activity and replacing unused energy during fasting. Because today is no longer the fasting month of Ramadan to do is fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, so in addition to making the body become slim can increase the reward as well.

2. Reduce snacks
Like snacking? likes to eat snacks while watching or playing online? your snacking activity should be reduced if you are implementing a diet program. Because when you are snacking unconsciously entered piecemeal calories into your body without you even knowing. And it did not make you satisfied, so it will increase the amount of fat when you're snacking.

3. Eat Fruit
Before eating foods that are high in calories, you should eat foods that are low calorie like fruits. Fruits are eaten before can give a sense of fullness more quickly than if we eat high-calorie foods first.

4. Chew food slowly
To chew food should be chewed 20-30 times. And apparently it is to function in a diet. The food was fine when it enters the stomach will be more easily processed by the body and does not cause fat on the abdomen and your thighs.

5. Eat 3 meals a day
While on a diet you must eat 3 times a day. do not reduce to 2 or only 1 time a day because it actually makes you physically sick. That you needs to be noticed is the content of your food. You better to consume foods that are low in calories. For the reason that people are fat because of high calorie foods every day.

6. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need.

"If you don't like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, or brew infused teas like mango or peach, which have lots of flavor but no calories," says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Consider whether you're really hungry.

"Hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it"

When you're done eating, you should feel better -- not stuffed, bloated, or tired.

"Your stomach is only the size of your fist, so it takes just a handful of food to fill it comfortably,"

Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.

That's 5 ways the right diet quickly and safely

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tips To Get Fat

Here are some tips and tricks on how to quickly fat and a healthy lifestyle. This method has been proven effective to make your body fat fast that fit. Because not everyone wants her body slim, there are some people who have thin body wants to fat body. You want to get someone's attention with a body that is fit to be seen.?
Please follow the ways how a healthy lifestyle to get the ideal body weight. Do not eat food and drink junk food even if it will faster to be a fat because it is not healthy to do. follow this description:

1.  Tips for quick fat is by drinking plenty of fluids containing nutrients and calories as milk, fresh fruit, juices and energy drinks. Keep exercise intensively for forming muscle mass. When exercising, do not use exercise machines and focus on your big muscles like using a barbell. Thus, the muscles will work hard and stimulate muscle formation. If you have a high metabolic rate then do an intense workout in a short time.

2.  Eat 5 to 6 times a day, the portions are modest, and do not eat junk food?
By eating junk food not only add unhealthy fats but can also slow down your metabolism making the body do not work well.
 3. Eating carbohydrate and protein immediately after exercise. It is necessary to replace the glycogen or sugar in the muscles that are depleted when we exercise. And protein needed by the muscles that we just 'broken' with strenuous exercise.

4. Eating real food (not supplements) Max 1 hour after exercise.

5. Take a multivitamin (it must make that  would add to weight gain, because vitamin B particularly, it helps to digest the nutrients we eat. Would be useless to eat a lot of food but our bodies can not digest it well).
 6. Do not exceed 1 hour of weight training. Exercise more than 1 hour will waste your calories. While calories are needed to build your muscles.
7. Do not train the same muscle more than 2x a week.

8.  It followed the 9-12 sets per muscle per session.
Do not train with the rest of the tool chest muscles at the gym with the assumption that more complete the better. Use only 3-4 devices each about 3-4 sets and use only basic compound movement. No. Isolation Movement.

  9. 6-8 reps is a must, not to be up to 12 reps.
6-8 reps is was failure.
10. Use negative reps. After the failure, aided by a friend / spotter to lift, and we stand to fall. Vary these negative reps for 2-3 weeks.

 11. Already using High Intensity Training for weight training.
Which means, short breaks between sets, about 1.5 - 2 minutes. And lift weights as heavy as possible. Example: create a high of around 160-165, do not tell both sides of 10kg bench press is heavy. As it will not be able to increase your muscle mass. Chasing a target of at least 25-30kg left and right. If not able, slowly raise each week until you are able, if necessary, enlist the help of friends.